Change with behavioral design
Many companies are facing major business changes that need to be addressed in order to look into an attractive future. That's why we as leaders have an important role to do in guiding our employees through changing times. But how does top management gear up for its organization to be innovative and quick to adapt?
The first step is to understand why changes are difficult to implement, so that the challenges can be better met. Next, it is important to have knowledge of how people make decisions. Partly to be able to change their own behavior in specific areas, and partly to be able to support their employees on the journey.
Research conducted by Israeli American psychologist Daniel Kahneman and his colleague Amos Tversky has given us important insights into human behavior. Their research has shown that humansare intuitive thinkers and that human intuition is imperfect, so that assessments and choices often differ significantly from those of common statistical and economic models.
In addition to their work, a newer discipline in management, behavioral design, has been born. It is used to explain how to create behavior changes at all levels of the organization. For example, it can create profound behavioural changes in order to meet tighter GDPR rules or behavioural changes to improve the company's meeting culture. Often with big gains in mind in companies when they succeed with the change.
Nudging is an element of behavioral design that deals with solutions to create the desired behavior. Using simple techniques increases the likelihood of success with the change. At the same time, the process can be made motivating to participate in for both managers and employees. Behavioral design can contribute with new angles to the more classic motivational theories.