Product lifecycle management – PLM – is the discipline where the company's product range is managed in the space of time, so that competitiveness and profitability are developed in a continuum.
The discipline is intended to ensure that the company's decision-makers have an overview of the current situation in the company's product portfolio and have tools to plan and manage the development in the future.
Many companies have PLM software that handles a number of administrative tasks related to versioning, document management, bill-of-materials etc., but they do not help ensure decision-making and management tools. This requires a managerial approach, where the interaction between the company’s top management and the company's product managers is paramount.
Experience shows that it takes a big, proactive effort first to ensure a mapping of the products in the product lifecycle context and then use this mapping to make forward-looking plans that result in well-founded roadmaps – both for the company as a whole and for the individual product line.
In the commercial part of PLM lies a very large toolbox of options. Read this white paper on commercial opportunities at different stages of the product lifecycle.
Have a dialogue with Brandculture about how product lifecycle management can be developed in the company.