One of the world's leading companies in power and automation technology had implemented a number of development measures in the outgoing sales organization – with good results. But it had "forgotten" to mobilize the experienced resources in internal sales and in the back office functions.
There was general discouragement in internal sales and back-office functions - and there was a huge potential being wasted, with the approximately 75 internal sales people talking to customers on the phone 5-7 hours a day - and communicating daily with customers by email.
Together with Brandculture's experienced consultants, sales management identified the opportunities to mobilize back-office functions - especially internal sales - in a more customer-focused approach. The previous development of the outgoing sales reps had lifted the general business attitude from the previous tech focus - and had lifted many of the sellers higher up the hierarchy of customers. This left "gaps" with the customers where daily product users, technicians and ordering staff were left alone. This gap had to be covered by internal sales and other back-office functions.
After the management process, a development process was initiated, starting with involving the employees and giving them insight. A number of concrete improvement projects were then launched so that customer focus, relationship management, customer satisfaction, etc. were launched, and the new way of taking over relations on cutomers' users became an active part of everyday life. Follow-up on proposals and tenders, needs assessment, attitude on the phone, cooperation with the external sales reps and relationship development are today everyday work for the backoffice employees and the internal salespeople.
Customer satisfaction has increased in year 1 by 0.2 points on the 5-scale, and revenue per customer has increased significantly. At the operational level, there is now a markedly higher hit rate on proposals and tenders, thanks to the systematic follow-up effort.
The employees have gained customer focus and are now passionate about being part of the result creation in the company - and the attitude "them and us" towards the outgoing sales reps has disappeared. From being a cost, internal sales and backoffice are seen today as result creators and the key to access to customers' users and technical specialists.